HKUSTCC Social Media and Group Chats

<aside> 🚴‍♀️ We warmly welcome everyone to join us to cycle all over the place, it is not necessary that you are HKUST members. WeChat is our most active group chat platform which is also the most recommended. We will post activities enrollment link in group chat constantly.



1. WeChat Group

Leisure cycling group (WeChat group)

If you are interested in cycling but do not have a lot of experience in cycling and do not yet have a bike, you are recommended to join the “Leisure cycling group (UST休闲骑行大队)”. Leisure cycling activities will be held constantly and cycling services and bike renting services will be provided for such activities.

Add PIC’s WeChat to get into the WeChat group.

Remember to remark(备注): ust-cycle

HKUSTCC (WeChat group)

If you consider yourself a pro, or you have your own bike, or you have the intention to ride intensively in the near future using your own bike, you are recommended to join the “HKUSTCC-港科单车”. Weekly activities and intensive cycling events will be organized or will be attended as a group.

Add PIC’s WeChat to get into the WeChat group.

Remember to

remark(备注): hkustcc

PIC WeChat:

Please evaluate yourself and kindly remark(备注): ust-cycle or hkustcc


2. XHS 小红书



3. Instagram


Instagram (@hkust_cycling_club)

4. Strava Club

在您至少參加我們的一項活動後,您將被授予進入我們的 Strava 俱樂部的權限。您將能夠看到俱樂部細分排行榜和俱樂部挑戰。

You will be granted access to our Strava club after you attend at least one of our event. You will be able to see club segment leader board and club challenges.

HKUST Cycling Club